My pictures are not only visual. They involve sensuous, auditory impressions, and I hope they will wake-up your senses.

Want to see more?

Our eyes can “see”, however what we “see” can be interpreted in limitless ways thanks to one’s imagination and unique perception.

A photography can transport you just by looking at it…

“ Many things have fallen to only rise higher ”

— Seneca

“ No matter how far you travel, you can never get away from yourself. ”

– Haruki Murakami

Sylvia Kass in Lingerie
Sylvia Kass in Lingerie
Sylvia Kass New York Manhattan San Francisco Boston Escort Fashion Model Dinner Travel Companion
Sylvia Kass New York Manhattan San Francisco Boston Escort Fashion Model Dinner Travel Companion

Follow me for more updated content, candid photos and my adventures…

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